Facilities - Company - Power Audiovisual Rental Company


Our facilities are one of our strengths. PowerAV owns a unit of more than 2,200 square meters. It is located in a privileged place in Madrid because it is very well connected. This increases our competitive capacity, ensures an efficient and safe work, and makes going quickly to any Exhibition Ground or Convention Centre a lot easier. All this is not only an advantage for our company but also for our customers. We can greatly diminishes response times in case something unexpected comes up.

Our headquarters include:


Most of our facilities are located in San Fernando de Henares. There we have offices, meeting rooms, working areas for the different teams and resting areas.



Our always-increasing stock makes a wide, well-organized, well-equipped warehouse indispensable. We need a warehouse with a good working area that allows us to properly prepare the deliveries and to receive them when each job is finished.



We are constantly incorporating new devices and new technologies. At the showroom we can set up and test the new devices, and also make demonstrations for our customer about how they work and about all their possibilities.


PowerAV also has nowadays local offices in Barcelona and Seville, which allow us to offer a comprehensive service within the whole Spanish territory and the neighbouring countries.

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