LED modular - Power Audiovisual Rental Company LED modulars

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LED modulars

With the LED modular screens dimension no longer has a limit. We have 5 different models of modular screens. Some are for indoor use, other ones for outdoor use and some others can even be adapted to be installed as a kind of usable floor.

Some of the advantages of using modular LED screens are the brightness that they achieve, the versatility and the adaptability of spaces and contents, their low consumption and the quality achieved thanks, among some other things, to the higher and higher resolution.

go pixelate

modulo led

indoor led

Indoor LED Models. Mitsubishi Electric IDT4-R. Absen Absen A2 Pro. Absen A3 Pro. Createled Airmag 2.6


outdoor led

Outdoor LED Models. Kinesik Airscreen P10 / Danceflloor. Absen X5. Absen A97 Perimetral.

These are some of the works in which we mounted big screens with LED modules…

Evento en el Palacio de Congresos de Madrid
Gala Eventoplus 2017
Conferencia Política del PP – 2015
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