Fatima - Time of Light (videomapping) - Power Audiovisual

Fatima – Time of Light (videomapping)

Centenario de las apariciones de Fátima

This is the title of the show that ACCIONA PRODUCCIONES Y DISEÑO has recently carried out in Portugal and in which POWERAV has collaborated.
October 13th marked the centenary of Our Lady of Fatima apparitions. It was the closure of a whole year of commemorations and it was held on the weekend from 12th to 14th.

Among some other, liturgical and cultural, events one of the highlights was the audio-visual presentation, with videomapping, lighting effects and a soundtrack specially composed for the occasion. The special “screen” was, of course, the façade of The Shrine of our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima.

The show guided the more than 300,000 pilgrims in a journey along the 100 years of Fatima’s history and the historical and religious milestones linked to her.

We have collaborated in the mapping with our 12 30,000-lumen Panasonic laser projectors and we have also taken care of lighting the façade and spaces.

We would like to congratulate the organizers for the success reached and to thank Acciona Producciones y Diseño for the opportunity to work, once again, with them.

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