The Three Wise Men in Vilaseca, Tarragona - Power Audiovisual Rental Company S.L

The Three Wise Men in Vilaseca, Tarragona


On January 5th we were able to give a helping hand to Their Majesties. They visited this small town to deliver their gifts and their magic. Power AV was there, in Castell dels Comtes de Sicart, hand in hand with FYI Comunicación and with a beautiful mapping of Alea Films.

Our two projectors Panasonic PT-RZ31K, fourteen Leopard Meyer Sound and, of course, the good work of our technicians, made sure that the audiovisual part was up to the task.

We want to thank FYI Comunicación for trusting us once again and congratulate them on the success of the event.






Antequera Ligt fest

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