PAZ SATELLITE - Power Audiovisual Rental Company

Broadcast of satellite PAZ launch

Last February 22nd, PAZ satellite was put into orbit from a base in California. It was also a much-awaited event as it had been postponed several times due to technical and weather reasons.

We had our part in it, by collaborating with Bluevista, and taking care at the INTA (Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial) headquarters of the audiovisual signal distribution among different branch offices and locations involved, with the signal to the media and with screens and projection for its follow-up.


But apart from our participation, this piece of news is enough to makes us feel proud of the Spanish industry. As this Infoespacial article explains, it is a milestone for the sector as it is the first Spanish Earth observation system, because of the cutting-edge technology behind and because it is the fruit of the collaboration among 15 companies and three Spanish universities.

Its main usages are going to be the typical applications for military intelligence, cartography, urbanism and territory planning, environmental observation, border control, evaluation of natural catastrophes, etc.

Along with some images of the event, we are attaching an infography (in spanish) issued by “” which is a great help to understand what PAZ is and what it will be used for.


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