PP National Convention - Power Audiovisual Rental Company PP National Convention

PP National Convention 2018

As some other years, we have been working in the PP National Convention, held from April 6th to 8th in Seville. This time we have taken care of some video elements:

– The big LED screen at the stage. It is an 11mx4m screen that acted as the background of the main stage. We have used 176 modules of the Absen 2.9 model, which is offering us an excellent result for this type of events.

– Also at the main stage, we installed a creative design formed with 11 “LED cubes”, mounted with 34 modules by Leyard CLI 3.9.

– In order to assit the Plenary Hall auditorium, bearing in mind its dimensions and the amount of participants, we also placed 4 flying 95” Samsung screens and 2 LG 98” screens.

– Additionally, at the adjoining gallery in order to extend the capacity, we installed another LED screen, this one of 4mx2,5m mounted with another model by Absen, the A3.

– Finally, at the exhibition area, we installed a multi-screen area, with 4 units of the 86”Ultra-stretch, 2 of the 88” Ultra-stretch and some more screens with different formats (60”, 55”…).

– The whole content control of the Plenary Hall relied on the Barco E2 system and two Watchout. For the contents at the exhibition we used another two Watchout.

We do have evidence of the satisfaction of the people in charge of the event because of the work we did; and we also showed them the satisfaction we feel working with them, likewise our willingness to keep working with them in the future.





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